Tuesday, November 3, 2009: 11:15 AM
Convention Center, Room 413, Fourth Floor
The Multi-Scale Sampling Requirements Tool (MSSRET) is an Excel based tool that can be used for project planning and sampling sufficiency analysis. It reports the number of samples needed to detect a minimum detectable difference (MDD) or the actual MDD of a finished project. The purpose of this project was to analyze MSSRET's utility for a comparison study of dynamic soil properties on the Begay fine-sandy loam, 0 – 6 % slope, soil map unit component phase in southern Utah . This soil is part of the Semidesert Sandy Loam (Fourwing Saltbrush) ecological site. Two state phases, or vegetative communities, representing two different ecological states, were compared: perennial grass-shrub (PGS) and annual cheat-grass (AG). Four 20m2 plots were located randomly within each state phase of the map unit component with 6 PGS and 4 AG sample locations within each plot. The actual MDD was smaller than the desired MDD (set to 20% of the overall mean) for bulk density at all depths; meaning the samples and plots in this project were adequate to detect a 20% difference in state phase bulk densities. Sampling was not adequate to detect a 20% difference in soil organic carbon (SOC) at the surface (0 – 2 cm). As many as 28 plots (maintaining 4 and 6 samples per plot) would be needed to detect a 20% difference in % SOC. This is due both to the small mean (20%-MDD of SOC is 0.13%) and high relative variances of organic carbon in these state phases. Using carbon density (organic carbon on a per volume basis) greatly decreased both residual and plot variance, leading to reduced plot requirements (2 plots per state phase with 4 and 6 samples). This study illustrates how the MSSRET tool (available at http://soils.usda.gov/technical/soil_change/index.html) can be used to develop more efficient sampling designs.