/AnMtgsAbsts2009.53772 Dynamic Interactions of Agriculture, Ecosystems and Development.

Monday, November 2, 2009: 10:15 AM
Convention Center, Room 325, Third Floor

Ian Noble, SustainableDevelopment Network, World Bank, Washington, DC
Climate change is a major threat to the development goals of most developing countries. Most attention has focused on the impacts and costs climate extremes and of obtaining access to energy in a carbon constrained world. Climate change itself threatens the agricultural production and ecosystem services on which the poorest countries are most dependent. Major adjustments in location, crop and livestock selection and agricultural practice will be necessary in countries with few resources to support them. However, natural resources, including agro-ecosystems provide opportunities for both ecosystem-based adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation and the financial flows associated with them. I will discuss early experience and future opportunities in applying ‘carbon finance’ to land-based mitigation and with ecosystem-based adaptation and attempt to quantify the feasible scope of such activities in achieving food security, emission reductions and funding. Specific topics will include the REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) and increased sequestration in agricultural soils and their role in supporting development aspirations.