/AnMtgsAbsts2009.52462 Assessment System for Cover Crops Growth and Chemical Composition.

Monday, November 2, 2009
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC, Second Floor

Tiejun Zhao, United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo Univ. of Agricultural and Technology, Ibaraki, Japan, Masakazu Komatsuzaki, Ibaraki Univ., Ibaraki, JAPAN and Yanzhong Zhao, Agricultural engineering, Northeast Agricultural Univ., Harbin, China
Cover crop has been paid attention due to add soil organic matter, conserve soil residual nitrogen during fallow season when the threat of leaching is considerably, and enhance soil organic matter. However, these benefits may vary depending on cover crop growth and chemical compositions. Therefore, cover crop growth monitoring may be a very important technique because cover crop benefits are strongly associated with the soil nutrient cycle in agro ecosystem. To make appropriate decisions for cover crop management, simple and convenient cover crop growth detective methods should be developed. This paper aims to evaluate the potential of portable spectral camera techniques to measure cover crop chemical composition in different time and growth periods.