Soil water contents following sunflower were drier than following corn at all soil depths. Chisel tillage resulted in lower bulk density and drier soil conditions in the surface 22 cm of soil but had no effect deeper in the soil. More roots were found in the surface 22 cm layer of soil under no till. Total root surface area was greater in the no till treatment at the V6 growth stage, but tillage had no effect on total roots later in the growing season. Corn following sunflower had lower total root surface area than corn following corn at the R1 growth stage, primarily due to drier soil conditions deep in the soil profile which reduced exploration of these soil layers by roots.
Root distributions were dependant on the water content and strength characteristics of the soil. Where low water contents and resultant high soil strength existed, little root growth was found. For models to accurately predict the distribution and concentration of corn roots, the strength characteristic of the individual soil and accurate predictions of the in-season water contents are needed.