/AnMtgsAbsts2009.51931 Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108 (ActinovateTM and Actino-IronTM) : Use as a Biological Fungicide and Role in Iron Uptake.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009: 12:45 PM
Convention Center, Room 303-304, Third Floor

Mark Roberts, Natural Industries, Inc., Houston, TX
Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108 is a rhizosphere competent microorganism which produces a number of antibiotics.  Two products, ActinovateTM and Actino-IronTM, have been EPA registered, produced and marketed for a number of years as a biological fungicide.  The ability to mediate siderophore-dependent iron acquisition has been used to formulate an iron humate/fulvate product with important implications in iron sequestration and plant uptake systems.  Laboratory and field results demonstrate its potential for use not only in reduction of pathogen load but also as a “value-added” iron supplement.  Efficacy data, modes of action, effects on soils and plant growth issues will be presented.