Poster Number 170
See more from this Division: Topical Sessions
See more from this Session: Teaching and Learning about Complex Earth Systems: Effective Strategies in Undergraduate Classrooms and Teacher Development Programs (Posters)
At the beginning of each semester, the Tunkhannock Earth science teachers hand each student a matrix that outlines each of the Earth's spheres. Across the top and down the left side are listed lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, exosphere, biosphere and anthrosphere. The matrix has open boxes in the center to allow the students to write examples of how each sphere can act on and interact with all the other spheres. Throughout the semester, students are asked to add to their matrices how best to describe the primary mechanisms that act on each sphere. For example, greenhouse gases from the anthrosphere negatively affect the hydrosphere by thinning the ice sheets.
The students have been able to more easily remember and understand the spheres and what surrounds them. Comparing a class that did not receive the matrix to a class that has, there has been an overall improvement in student participation and comprehension; and while confounding variables may influence this, it is an objective reflection. The students realize that each sphere tells a story, and that the students and teachers are the storytellers.
See more from this Division: Topical Sessions
See more from this Session: Teaching and Learning about Complex Earth Systems: Effective Strategies in Undergraduate Classrooms and Teacher Development Programs (Posters)