705-3 What's an Extension Specialist Doing in the Classroom or Should an Old Dog Learn New Tricks?.

See more from this Division: A04 Extension Education
See more from this Session: Extension Education Methodology

Wednesday, 8 October 2008: 10:00 AM
George R. Brown Convention Center, 371E

James Shroyer and Michel Ransom, Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
As an Extension Specialist, when asked to teach a sophomore-level, crop growth and development class on an emergency basis, general confidence gave way to abject fear as the first class period approached. Although, a class outline and course objectives were available, useable class notes were lacking. Personal field experience, combined with the students’ desire to learn “stuff they could actually use”, led to the use of a “problem of the day” in which the first 5-10 minutes of class were used to develop their diagnostic skills by observing pictures of real field problems and constructing a series of questions they would ask their client. Eventually, short case studies were employed to allow for cooperative group learning as students continued to develop their skills. Several guest lecturers participated, including specialists from other universities who made presentations using video conferencing.

See more from this Division: A04 Extension Education
See more from this Session: Extension Education Methodology