A field experiment was established on Alonso soil (Oxic Dystrudept) to evaluate soil extractable aluminum. Plots included full sunlight coffee, high density shade coffee, and low density shade coffee. Soil samples were collected at 0-20 and 20-40 cm depths. Soil pH at 0-20 cm was 5.12 for full sunlight, 4.47 for high density shade, and 4.83 for low density shade. At 20-40 cm depth soil pH was 4.64, 4.57, and 4.66, for the same treatments, respectively. Organic matter content at 0-20 cm depth was 2.77 at full sunlight, 2.89 at high density shade, and 3.58 at low density shade. At 20-40 cm depth was 2.02, 2.04, and 2.63, respectively. Four Al
3+ extractants were evaluated: 0.2
4Cl, 1
M KCl, 0.33
M LaCl
3, and 0.5
M CuCl
2. In the full sunlight plot, at 0-20 cm depth, 0.2
4Cl extracted 5.97 cmol
c kg
-1 of Al
3+, 1
M KCl extracted 7.60 cmol
c kg
-1, 0.33
M LaCl
3 extracted 7.22 cmol
c kg
-1 and 0.5
M CuCl
2 extracted 9.33 cmol
c kg
-1. In the high density shade, extractable Al
3+ were 6.47 cmol
c kg
-1, 7.99 cmol
c kg
-1, 8.18 cmol
c kg
-1, and 9.96 cmol
c kg
-1, for the same treatments, respectively. Extractable Al
3+ in the low density shade was significantly lower than in the other plots. The 0.2
4Cl solution extracted 1.82 cmol
c kg
-1, 1
M KCl extracted 2.52 cmol
c kg
-1, 0.33
M LaCl
3 extracted 2.28 cmol
c kg
-1, and 0.5
M CuCl
2 extracted 6.73 cmol
c kg
-1. Extractable Al
3+ at 20-40 cm showed higher values with all extractants. Lower amounts of Al
3+ were extracted from the low shade density plot, which contained the higher organic matter content.