Luke Dant and Nick Christians. Iowa State University, Iowa State University, 106 Horticulture Hall, Ames, IA 50011
Research was conducted at Iowa State University to evaluate the efficacy of postemergence herbicides on glyphosate-resistant creeping bentgrass and ‘Penncross' creeping bentgrass. Bentgrass sod measuring 10.8-cm in diameter was taken from established putting greens and allowed to acclimate to greenhouse conditions before application of fluazifop-P (0.42 kg ha-1), foramsulfuron (0.04 kg ha-1), glufosinate (1.68 kg ha-1), glyphosate (1.68 kg ha-1), imazamox (0.05 kg ha-1), imazapyr (0.84 kg ha-1), mesotrione (0.34 kg ha-1), quizalofop (0.09 kg ha-1), sethoxydim (0.31 kg ha-1), and sulfosulfuron (0.11 kg ha-1). Herbicides were applied in a spray chamber using a total spray volume of 187 L ha-1. Imazapyr resulted in 99% and 100% kill of glyphosate-resistant and 'Penncross' creeping bentgrass 56 days after treatment, respectively. Glufosinate killed greater than 74% of both cultivars 56 days after treatment. Kill of 'Penncross' creeping bentgrass treated with glyphosate was 89% 56 days after treatment, and bentgrass resistant to glyphosate was unaffected. All other herbicides provided some control, but multiple applications would be needed for complete kill.
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