Corey M. Cherr1, Laura Avila1, Jose Linares1, Johannes Scholberg1, Sharad Phatak2, Nancy Roe3, Robert McSorley1, Odemari Mbuya4, and Howard Beck1. (1) University of Florida, 310 NW 34th Dr, Gainesville, FL 32607, (2) University of Georgia, 100 Horticulture Building, UGA Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, GA 31793-0748, (3) Farming Systems Research, Green Cay Farms, Boynton Beach, FL 33426, (4) Florida A&M University, 119 Perry Paige Building, Tallahassee, FL 32307-4100
Improved use of green manures and cover crops (GMCC) in vegetable and tree cropping systems was evaluated in multiple studies in north Florida, with research collaborators in south Georgia and an on-farm participant in south Florida. This research provided critical information on yield benefits for economic crops, N accumulation and release patterns, weed suppression, nematode management, and changes in soil properties. Research findings along with a comprehensive review of the current literature provided a conceptual framework for development of a web-based information access tool and database. This software application will provide general recommendations about selection and management of GMCC in North America and will facilitate improved dissemination of results from previous GMCC research. Based on our experiences, we argue that knowledge gaps continue to exist regarding several processes key to viability of GMCC-based cropping systems. Additionally, integration of knowledge into whole-systems approaches to GMCC research and extension may be essential to further the development and adoption of profitable GMCC-based alternatives for crop production.
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