Martha Mamo1, Hain Patricia1, Timothy Kettler1, James Ippolito2, C. W. Zanner3, Ronald J. Reuter4, Larkin Powell1, Dennis McCallister1, Christoph Geiss5, and Dann Husmann1. (1) University of Nebraska, Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture, 279 Plant Science, Lincoln, NE 68583, (2) Colorado State University, Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences, C127 Plant Science Bldg., Fort Collins, CO 80523-1170, (3) University of Minnesota, Dept. of Soil, Water, and Climate, 1991 Upper Buford Circle, St Paul, MN 55108, (4) Oregon State Univ.-Cascades, Dept. of Forest Resources, 2600 NW College Way-Cascades Hall, Bend, OR 97701, (5) Trinity college, Dept of Physics, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Application of soil science in various disciplines such as ecology, geology, geography, and environmental science will enhance students' appreciation for the importance of the principles of soil science. The objective of this project is to develop soil science educational materials that will reach a broader audience of introductory earth and environmental science undergraduates. We have developed a set of interactive web-based lessons on genesis and development of soils for use by undergraduates in various disciplines. The lessons were developed using case studies or problems from ecology, geology, history and geography, and environmental sciences, integrating them with the principles or concept of soil genesis and development. Lessons were developed by an interdisciplinary team of soil scientists, geologists, ecologists, and environmental scientists. Lessons were introduced in classrooms at the University of Nebraska, Oregon State University, Colorado State University, and Trinity College (Connecticut). We will explain how we worked as a team to develop the lessons and will present the results of initial student assessments.
Handout (.pdf format, 115.0 kb)
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