Both the private and public sectors are keenly interested in
characterizing opportunities for agricultural greenhouse gas abatement, notably
as cost-effective alternatives to fossil fuel based mitigation and alternative
farm revenue streams. Economic theory defines marginal abatement costs as the
incremental cost of an additional unit of abatement. However, abatement cost
analyses to date have struggled with how to capture incremental biophysical
responses associated with the sequential or simultaneous adoption of multiple
abatement technologies. Yield, soil, and greenhouse gas responses to crop
management changes depend critically upon the existing biophysical state.
Biophysical process models are uniquely qualified to estimate physical
responses associated with incremental adoption of crop management strategies.
Using a biophysical process model, we identify incremental least-cost
mitigation strategies by sequentially redefining the biophysical state
following selection of cost-effective management options given current
biophysical conditions. Specifically, we apply the DeNitrification-DeComposition
(DNDC) process model in