A Web-based Repository for Unique Range Designs. |
Assessing Vehicle Impacts at U.S. Army Installations. |
Evaluation & Prioritization of Erosion Control Projects at Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center, Edinburgh IN. |
Grazing and Military Vehicle Affects on Grassland Vegetation. |
Image-Aided Simulation of Cumulative Off-Road Traffic Impacts and Land Repair Identification. |
Influence of Vehicle Type and Soil Conditions on Soil Rutting. |
Landscaping of Ranges using Composted Mulch for Temporary Training. |
Military Land Management Framework for Training Load, Environmental, and Economic Considerations. |
Prediction of the Spatial and Temporal Disturbance from Off-Road Vehicular Traffic in a Complex Ecosystem and Uncertainty Source Analysis. |
Quantifying Dust Generation from Pre and Post Stryker Transformation at Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii. |
Soil Rutting from Turning Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles in Wet and Dry Soil Conditions at Fort Riley Military Installation. |
Tracking Military Vehicles to Predict Dust Generation. |
Vehicle Environmental Impact Monitoring and Tracking System. |
Wireless Sensor Network Backbone for Real-Time and Remote Environmental Monitoring Over Vast Areas. |