Climate Extension Education in the Southeast. |
Cropping System Risk Management and Economic Optimization. |
Effect of Extreme High Temperatures on Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Sweet Corn. |
Evaluation of the FAO-56 Grass Reference Evapotranspiration for Humid and Semi-Arid Climates. |
Impact of Weather Variability and Soil Moisture Deficit on Water Use and Water Use Efficiency of Sweet Corn. |
Modeling Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Maize Cropping Systems in Pakistan. |
Peanut Contamination by Aspergillus Flavus and Aflatoxin B1 in Granaries of Villages and Markets in Mali, West Africa. |
Photoperiod Sensitivity of Local Sorghum and Millet Varieties in West Africa. |
Recent Advances in the CSM-CERES Sorghum Model. |
Simulating Net Energy Value of Ethanol from Corn Grown under Southeastern US Climate Conditions. |
The Georgia Envirotron: A Multidisciplinary Controlled Environment Facility. |
Using Pattern Recognition for Estimating Cultivar Coefficients of Crop Simulation Model. |
Using the DSSAT Crop Growth Models to Predict Yield Response and Improve Efficient Use of Water. |
Water Use Efficiency of Silage Maize Under Deficit Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertigation. |